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Option is availabe for Premium Members, To Get The Option Please Upgrade Your account!

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Below is the list of Frequently Asked Questions and Answers. If your question has not been answered in the following, you can always send us a question by sending us an inquiry.


  • What is the difference between Standard and Premium Membership It is free to become a standard member of Qiran.com. Please view the comparison chart to understand the difference between Standard and Premium Membership.
    Create profile for freeYesYes
    Full extensive searchYesYes
    Show interest to other members50 / day100 / day
    Add to FavoritesYesYes
    Receive and respond to messagesYesYes
    Send messages to members-Yes
    Inbox quotaUnlimitedUnlimited
    Keep saved messagesUnlimitedUnlimited
    Email alert when new message arrivesYesYes
    Add pictures to your profile36
    Hide your profile from certain criteriaYesYes
    Hide Profile for 30, 60 or 90 daysYesYes
    Send E-Cards-Yes
    Live chat with members-Yes
  • How does this site work? You don't have to know too much about Internet in order to use this site. There is help on every corner we won't let you click on a wrong option. You don't have to be paid member in order to use this site, you can reply to a mail even if you are a basic member. Payment is only required when sending message to another member. There is a lot you can do for free. Site will ask you to become a premier member only on certain places when required. Your identity will remain anonymous to all other members.
  • Is my personal information safe? We provide complete anonymity, no one will ever find out who you are, email is sent to other users in anonymous mode on your behalf, for further safety premier members can black list other members and avoid them in future. As per our policy we do not share your personal data with any one.
  • How important is it to include a photo? "A picture is worth a thousand words". Adding your picture is one of the most important aspects of your profile, as per statistics it increases your chances up to 10 times. Most members won't even search a profile without a picture. Picture is the first impression that is given to the viewers and you don't want to give them a blank first impression.
  • How many messages can I send or receive? Premier members can send or receive unlimited numbers of messages where as basic members can receive and answer unlimited number of messages, however basic member cannot send a first message to any member.
  • Can I retrieve my old messages automatic deleted by the website? Once deleted from trashbox, message cannot be retrieved.
  • What are my chances and is there a quick way to get noticed? New members come and go every day, to keep your chances high visit the site regularly and answer all your messages, keep track of all contacted members and when contacted try to answer it right away. Keep your profile to the point, usually a long description is a turn off. Don't forget to include your picture. In order to get response from wide variety of the members don't make your preferred partner profile too rigid, open up with your choices and contact as many people as you can. There is no quick fix for any thing take your time as your future life may depend on it. Most of all use your common sense and be very straight forward and honest.


  • I cannot login to my account it says invalid login? Make sure you are entering your username and password correctly. Also make sure your Caps Lock is not on, as passwords are case-sensitive. If you still cannot login, it is possible that your browser is not accepting cookies. To solve this problem, follow the instructions on this page.
  • I forgot my username or password (or both) You can retrieve your password and even username by clicking on forgot password.
  • How can I change my username? Usernames cannot be changed after registration. If you really want a different username, you will have to register a new account.
  • I have registered, but my profile is not available online why? Once you register, your profile is sent to our approval department to make sure the text you have written in your profile and the picture you uploaded (if any) meets our ethical standards. Once approved, your profile is immediately released for general public viewing. Depending on the flow of the traffic this may take from 1 to 12 hours. Our staff is standing by 24/7 to make sure that the verification process is done as quickly as possible. The same process applies when you modify your profile text or upload a new picture.
  • What is the Favorites List While viewing a profile you can add each of the profile into your favorites. Once you add a member to your favorites list the other member gets an automated e-mail saying that some one has added you in his/her favorite list.
  • How do I change my Password? After logging into your account, click on the change password link (under the 'Technical Support' header). The system will ask for your old password and then the new one. Internet Security experts recommend changing your password at least once every three months.
  • Why can't I change certain things in Edit Profile Certain things such as date of birth, height, country of birth and gender cannot be changed in your profile. This is because these are traits which do not change. If you made a mistake and need to change the information, you must send us a request from the technical support section. The information can only be changed once, so make sure you give us the correct information in the request.
  • How do I send messages to other members Only premium members can send unlimited direct messages to other members by click on send message button on top of each profile. Once a message is sent, the other member gets an instant notification via e-mail that you send him/her a message. Basic members cannot send any messages, but they can receive messages and reply to messages.
  • If some one shows interest in me do I get notification Yes, if some one clicks on show interest in your profile, you get an e-mail informing you that so-and-so has shown interest in you.
  • What does 'blacklist members' mean? If you blacklist a member, this member will no longer be able to contact you through the site features (messages, chat, show interest, add to favorites), and you will not be able to contact him/her either. The member will also get an email stating that he/she has been blacklisted by you. The member will still be able to view your profile. To add and remove members from your blacklist, go to the blacklist members page.
  • How many pictures I can include in my profile Basic members can upload only 3 pictures and can only view all picture of other members where as premier members can upload up to 6 pictures and can view all available pictures of other members.
  • What is the recommended size and extension type of pictures to upload Pictures should be less then 250K in weight (file size). We only accept JPG files. Ideal picture dimensions are between 150x150 pixels to 1024x768 pixels.
  • I don't have scanner how can I post my picture If you don't have a scanner we can help you upload the picture at no extra charge. Simply send us a post card size picture to our nearest office (see contact page) and we will scan it and add to your profile. You must clearly indicate your username on the back of the picture or on a separate sheet of paper. NOTE: After scanning and uploading, your photograph will be discarded. Do not send a photo which you cherish unless you have other copies.
  • What is 'Send a Song' and how does it work? If you are a premier member you will be able to send your favorite songs to other members from our large collection of popular songs. The other members can then listen to the song by just clicking on a button. If you cannot find the song you like you can send us a request and we will try our best to get that song in the list.


  • How long I can keep my free basic membership You can keep your basic membership as long as you want. You just have to login once in 90 days to keep your membership active. If some one contacts you, shows interest in you within 90 days period that will also keep your membership active.
  • If I am a Premium Member will you bill my credit card automatically on expiry of my membership When you upgrade your account, the "auto-renew at 20% off" option is selected by default, which you can uncheck at the time of upgrade or any time after the upgrade, we do not forcibly renew your membership. Once your remove your Auo renew option your credit card is removed from your profile and cannot be chanrged again, you can remove your Auto renew option from Profile Optionspage under your account settings. If you do not have the the auto-renew option selected at the time your premium membership expires, you will lose all the benefits that comes with premium membership. You will have to manually go though payment process again in order to get access to premium features.
  • What happens to my Premium Membership after it expires Once your premier membership expires your membership status automatically converts to "expired" status and you lose all the benefits of premium membership. You still keep your identity and profile and all your access will convert to as you are a basic member.
  • Why should I select auto-renew? How do I turn the option on/off? The auto-renew option is a great feature for several reasons. The biggest advantage is that your membership gets renewed at 20% off the original price. Also, selecting the auto-renew option automatically locks the price of premium membership for you. So, if the membership fee goes up, you get 20% off the original you paid. See the following chart as an example:

    Description Amount
    original payment 39.99
    auto-renew price 31.99

    If you do not have the auto-renew option selected and you wish to upgrade your account after it expires, you will not receive the 20% discount, and you must pay the current full membership price. Click Here to set your auto-renew status.

    NOTE: if you paid during a period when site is running a special promotion then the Auto renew will be at 10% instead of 20%
  • I don't have a credit card, how can I join as a Premium Member? We offer a wide variety of payments methods including credit card, paypal, checks, money orders, wire, bank draft, cash etc. You can pay us in different currencies in different countries. We have offices in US, Canada, Saudia, UAE, Pakistan and India. See contact us page for more details. We also offer pre-paid membership cards in certain countries.
  • How do I remove my profile / cancel my membership? To remove your profile, log into your account, then find the Profile Options link (under the Technical Support box header). In the Profile Options page, hide your account indefinately. If you do not login within 90 days after hiding your profile, your account will be deleted automatically. No one can view your profile while it is hidden, and you will not receive any emails from the system.

    Please note that all paid fees are non-refundable.
  • After how long is an inactive profile removed from the site? A profile which is inactive for more than 6 months is removed from the site. Certain profiles which are inactive for 6 months may not be removed from the site because the user is keeping it alive by replying to deactivate message sent by the site.

    Further, if the site sends an email to a member and some how the email bounces, the profile is automatically deactivated and removed from the site until the user re-activates it. If the user does not re-activate in 3 months the user is completely removed from the site.
  • If I am a premium member how many messages I can send in 24 hours period? There is no limit how many messages you can send in a given day, however site uses a formula that detects how fast and how many repeated messages you are sending and to prevent spam, if your sent box matches that formula site will restrict you to 250 messages per day. Site suggest to take you time and look for the quality instead of quantity, quality messages will always give you better response.
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